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Thelma Samuels, Who am I? 

A servant of God, Wife, Mother, friend, and now a writer. This is a new beginning for me. I'm so grateful and I give God all the praise.

I also thank Him for the Holy Spirit who led me through the writing of this book and the ones that are yet to come. Thank you all for your prayers and for believing in me. I couldn't have done it without God and you. 

As my journey began, may God be a blessing to you as you follow.

Jimmy’s New bike is based on a young boy who desires to have a new bicycle but knows that his parents at this time can’t afford it. Jimmy knew it wasn’t going to hurt to dream about it. Jimmy knows who God is and believed in the power of God. Jimmy’s experience with the bicycle taught him valuable lessons about living a faith-filled life. The idea came to Jimmy! We all should acknowledge God first in all we do. NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE for GOD.

Amy, at a very young age, lost her father through death. Her mother took her and moved out on the farm with her parents, who raised Amy. Louisa and Bill believed God would always provide for them. Amy learned of God by ease dropping on her grandparent’s conversation. Planting seeds! They had no idea this little girl was listening as they talked about the big word─STRUGGLES. 

We have those times in our lives whether big or small. The seed worked! Let us repeat the words of God as it come to us. Jesus said in Matthew 19:14 (Amplified version) But he said, leave the children alone! allow the little ones to come to me for the kingdom of heavens belongs to such as these. Hopefully, this book, alone with the others will help you to know that God is never late. 

Everything He does is according to His timing.

Be Blessed! SEED. TIME, HARVEST....

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